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5 Ways to Stay Away from Diseases this Winter

5 Ways to Stay Away from Diseases this Winter

5 Ways to Stay Away from Diseases this Winter

As winter approaches, many of us look forward to the season of downtime.


However, we cannot ignore the health hazards that come with it. Colds, fevers, flu, asthma, body aches, stiffness, and other infections are common during this time.


Although there are numerous ways to relieve and cure these ailments. As the saying goes – prevention is always better than a cure. It is important to take proactive measures to stay fit and healthy during this season.


Don’t wait for these problems to arise when you can take steps to avoid them from the start.


How to keep diseases away this winter

Then are some ways in which you can keep yourself going during this downtime, without falling sick.


Keep yourself hydrated

A lot of people say that they don’t feel thirsty in winter due to the chilly winds, but that doesn’t justify not drinking enough water throughout the day. The winter wind is dry and hence responsible for itchiness, and dehydration despite the body not asking for water. That’s why drinking 2- 3 litres of water a day is important.


Clean Your Hands

Common flu is the most common winter disease. Our immune system functions slowly during the cold months, hence it’s extra important to take care of hygiene. Sanitise your hands after coming from a public place, wear a mask and follow the hygiene protocols you did during 2020.



During winter, our bodies require more energy to maintain body temperature. Due to low temperatures, our body consumes energy reserves quickly. However, overeating during this season can lead to unhealthy weight gain. This is where exercise comes in, as it helps to maintain body temperature and eliminate toxins from the body.


Take your diurnal nutrients

The first step to live a healthy life is to eat right. Not only clean eating is a good habit, but it also acts as a lifesaver for colourful affections. Consuming seasonal fruits and vegetables in downtime not only equips us for the cold but also helps in erecting our vulnerable system to fight the colourful contagions revolving around us and prevents them from entering our bodies.



While winter brings with it a season of downtime and fun activities, it is also a time when our health is susceptible to various diseases. However, by following simple measures such as staying hydrated, maintaining hygiene, exercising, and consuming healthy seasonal foods, we can take proactive steps to keep ourselves fit and healthy during this season.


Remember, prevention is always better than cure, so don’t wait for health problems to arise. Take care of yourself and enjoy the winter season to the fullest!

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