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6 Effectual Ways To Maintain Your Bladder Health



The bladder is an important organ of our body. However, its health condition deteriorates with time; thus, taking care of your bladder health is essential.


The bladder controls urination, one of the body’s essential processes to secrete waste. The bladder also supports the kidneys in detoxifying the body.


Importance of Bladder Health

The urinary system, also known as the bladder, is an important body part. 


Its job is to filter extra fluid and waste from your bloodstream and remove them from your body. When your kidneys are working properly, they do the following things:


– Stop too much fluid and waste from building up in your body.

– Make hormones that help control your blood pressure.

– Keep your electrolyte levels, like phosphates and potassium, stable.

– Keep your bones strong.

– Make red blood cells.


How to maintain bladder health







Factors That Can Affect Your Bladder Health

Your bladder health can be affected by many things, some of which you can control, while others you can’t. Here’s a list of things that can affect your bladder health and cause pain or discomfort:


Constipation: When you’re constipated, your bowel may become full of stool, which can put pressure on your bladder and make it difficult to expand.


Diabetes: Diabetes can damage the nerves surrounding your bladder and help with bladder control.


Low physical activity: Being physically active can help prevent bladder issues and constipation. It can also help you maintain a healthy weight.


Being overweight: Being overweight increases your risk of leaking urine.


Smoking: Individuals who smoke are more likely to have bladder problems and a higher risk of bladder cancer.


Certain medications: Some drugs can increase the risk of your bladder leaking urine. For instance, medications that help you relax or sleep can dull your bladder nerves, and you might not feel the urge to urinate.


Caffeine: Caffeine can irritate your bladder and change how your bladder tells you when it’s time to urinate.


Alcohol: Drinking alcohol can make your bladder problems worse.


Diet: Certain foods, such as artificial sweeteners, sodas, citrus, spicy foods, and tomato-based foods, can worsen bladder problems. If you have bladder issues, you might feel better if you avoid these foods or drinks.


Pelvic injury: Trauma caused by childbirth or prostate surgery can damage the nerves and muscles that control your bladder.


Bladder cancer: This cancer begins when your urinary bladder cells start growing uncontrollably. As more cancer cells develop and grow, they can form a tumour that can spread to other parts of your body over time. If you suspect bladder cancer, getting proper testing and treatment is crucial.



The bladder is a vital organ of our body, and it is essential to keep it healthy. Keeping the well-being of the bladder is not a tricky task if you are aware of it. 

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