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9 Foods That Boost the Immune System

9 Foods That Boost the Immune System

9 Foods That Boost the Immune System

The immune system, technically speaking is the network of biological processes that help us fight against diseases and infections. Due to the widespread pandemic, one thing people are sure to know is the importance and value of a good immune system.

Feeding your body the right kind of food can help you boost the immune system over time. There are certain foods that help in yielding the desired results, such as:-

Ascorbic Acid or more commonly known as Vitamin C is thought to increase the production of White Blood Cells (WBC) in the human body, which in turn helps in fighting infections effectively. To boost the immune system, one should consume fruits rich in Vitamin C, such as:

  1. Oranges
  2. Lemons
  3. Limes
  4. Kiwi
  5. Berries etc.

One of the healthiest vegetables out there, broccoli is a rich source of Vitamin A, C, and E as well as fiber content and antioxidants. To keep the vegetable’s nutrients intact, the best way to consume it is steaming.

The bright yellow spice is rich in curcumin (the chemical responsible for its yellow color) which helps in decreasing muscle damage which is induced by exercises. It is a promising immune booster and an antiviral as well.

Green tea is rich in flavonoids, a type of antioxidant. It is also packed with EGCG – epigallocatechin gallate which is also a very powerful antioxidant. It is also a great source of the amino acid called L-theanine which is responsible for the production of germ-fighting compounds in the cells.

Garlic that has a heavy concentration of sulfur-containing compounds is the food ingredient that was recognized by the early civilizations for its ability to fight infections. It helps in slowing down the hardening of arteries and lowers blood pressure.

Ginger helps in decreasing inflammation. It is helpful in sore throat, nausea, and other inflammatory illnesses. It is also believed to have some cholesterol-lowering properties

Papaya, another fruit loaded with vitamin C has digestive enzymes called papain that have anti-inflammatory effects on the body. It is also packed with potassium, folate, and magnesium which are beneficial for overall health.

Dark Chocolate contains an antioxidant called theobromine which helps in boosting the immune system and protects the body from free radicals. But one should keep the consumption in moderation since dark chocolate is high in saturated fat and calories.

Spinach contains nutrients and antioxidants – flavonoids, carotenoids, Vitamin C and, E that support the immune system.

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