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Ayurveda for Lung Cancer Treatment

Ayurveda for Lung Cancer Treatment

Ayurveda for Lung Cancer Treatment

Lungs are important organs of our body as they play a pivotal role in respiration. Lung cancer refers to the gradual development of cancerous cells in the lungs.


Lungs help us breathe. Lung cancer is when cells start growing uncontrollably in the lungs, making breathing hard.


What is Lung Cancer and its Symptoms

Lung cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the lungs, usually in the cells lining the air passages. It occurs when lung cells mutate and grow uncontrollably, forming a tumour.


Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide and is often caused by long-term exposure to substances like cigarette smoke, air pollution, or radon gas.


Many common symptoms can help you to identify lung cancer. Some symptoms are:



Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and surgery are some general treatment methods.


Ayurveda to Treat Lung Cancer

There’s a way in Ayurveda to help and get relief from lung cancer. Ayurvedic treatment focuses on stopping the spread and alleviating the symptoms. Lung cancer treatment in Ayurveda is possible due to yoga, herbal formulations, panchakarma, and seasonal regimens.


Here are some solutions which you can look for:



There are also herbs which improve the overall quality of life and help in controlling the symptoms, herbs like:



Apart from the above, one can also follow the below tips:


  1. Practice breathing exercises regularly: Breathing exercises can help you to deal with the problem of lung cancer effectively.
  2. Quit smoking and avoid drinking alcohol: This is essential for treating lung cancer. Both smoking and consuming alcohol can cause severe damage to your lungs.
  3. Avoid junk foods and carbonated drinks: Consuming these foods frequently can worsen your condition.


Ayurveda with Ongoing Treatment for Lung Cancer

Many people are not aware of how Ayurveda can treat cancer properly. Even if you don’t rely upon Ayurvedic practices for the treatment of cancer, you can take it alongside other treatments.


Several studies have been published that show that Ayurveda can help in improving the quality of life. Ayurveda can reduce the side of general treatments and improve the quality of life.


Final Outlook

The Ayurveda practices have been present in India for decades.  Even serious diseases, like cancer, have shown promising results without side effects.


We at Body Revival have treatments based on Ayurveda and immunotherapy, which you can rely on.

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