Body Revival

Can Bladder Cancer Be Cured?

Can bladder cancer be cured?

Bladder cancer affects around 5, 50, 000 people globally each year. The occurrence of such cancer is most common in men and is important to detect early.


But the question that comes to most people’s minds is – are there chances to cure bladder cancer?


The answer is yes. Most cases of bladder cancer are caught early. The 5-year survival rate of localised bladder cancer is 71%


It’s also important to remember that early stages of bladder cancer have higher chances of recovery.


Factors affecting Bladder cancer treatment


There are many factors that affect the treatment and further health of a bladder cancer patient.


Ways to treat bladder cancer


 Bladder cancer treatment options


In cases of advanced bladder cancer, doctors often suggest Immunotherapy.


Alternative treatment options for bladder cancer

Ayurveda can complement conventional medication in treating bladder cancer. Medical experts have suggested Panchakarma therapy, which detoxifies the body. It is done through methods like:


Apart from the above methods, consuming medicated juices, which contain fruits and vegetables can help in aiding with other treatment methods.


Antioxidant Ayurvedic medicines are also highly beneficial. Practising yoga, sound therapy, pranayama, acupressure, and acupuncture can help in the long run.


Bladder cancer has a 5-year survival rate of 71%. Most cases of bladder cancer are caught early and therefore have higher chances of survival as compared to other cancers. With the advancement of science, the treatment options have also increased.


You can choose Body Revival based on immunotherapy and Ayurveda which is the tested solution for people suffering from bladder cancer.

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