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Testicular Cancer

Testicular Cancer

Male reproductive organs, called testicles or testes, reside within a sac of skin known as the scrotum. Testicles have two main functions, which are to make male hormone testosterone and to make sperm.


Testicular cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the testicles. It occurs when cells in one or both testicles start growing abnormally. It is a rare type of cancer that can occur at any age. Still, it mostly affects males between the ages of 15 and 45.


Causes of Testicular Cancer


Symptoms of Testicular Cancer


Prevention of Testicular Cancer

There is no known way to prevent testicular cancer, but it is essential to do a monthly self-exam. During the self-exam, individuals should look for lumps that can be pea-sized or larger and are often painless.


Diagnosis of Testicular Cancer


Treatment of Testicular Cancer

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