Body Revival

Delhi Government’s health schemes for cancer patients

Cancer is a growing concern in India. In 2022, 14 lakh people were affected by cancer. According to ICMR’s report, one in nine people is likely to develop cancer in their lifetime in India. 


Sadly, with the rising cases of cancer, the treatment cost has also been increasing rapidly. General health insurance does help a bit, but less than 20% of Indians have health insurance.


Delhi health scheme for cancer patients


According to the Global Burden of Disease (G.B.D.) around 70% of cancer-related deaths are primarily concentrated in low and middle-income nations. To tackle the problem, the Indian government along with state governments has many health schemes in their arsenal to help.


Here we’ll talk about Delhi. Cancer treatment in Delhi is a growing concern. The cancer cases in the national capital are projected to increase by more than 23 percent from 2021 to 2026, as per the Delhi Population Based Cancer Registries. According to a projection, the number of cancer-related cases may rise by 22.6% by 2026, reaching an estimated 34,782 cases. This reflects a significant increase from the 28,480 cases recorded in 2021 and a 61.0% surge compared to the observed count of 21,538 cases in 2015, based on these trends.


One reason for increased cancer incidence rate in Delhi is also because of increasing population. Still, there is a growing need of improving and bringing new policies for cancer treatment in Delhi. The government of Delhi has realised this and over the years, many health schemes have been started.


Here are three health schemes for cancer patients in Delhi:


1. Delhi Arogya Kosh

The health assistance program in Delhi helps patients with medical treatments, including cancer. The program is for those patients who cannot afford their medical bills and need financial help to receive quality medical care. The program is important because it helps patients access medical care, and reduces the burden of medical expenses. 


2. Free Cancer Treatment at Government Hospitals

Many government hospitals in Delhi and the NCR region offer free cancer treatment, including surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Patients can access these services without worrying about the cost of treatment.


3. Mukhyamantri Cancer Sahayata Yojana

This scheme provides financial assistance to economically weaker sections of society for cancer treatment. It covers expenses related to surgeries, chemotherapy, and other necessary treatments.


A step in the right direction

The government of Delhi has several health schemes to provide financial support. The schemes offer a ray of hope and assistance to those battling cancer by alleviating their struggles and making their journey a little more bearable.


With these initiatives in place, Delhi is putting up a fierce fight against cancer.

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