Body Revival

What is Eye Flu? The causes, symptoms and prevention tips!

what is eye flu or conjunctivitis

juAre you experiencing itchy eyes, redness or sore eyes? You may be suffering from eye flu. Eye flu is a seasonal disease that affects the eyes and is a very common eye disease. This condition affects crores of people worldwide and is treatable by consulting a medical professional.


Now, people always have questions like how do people catch eye flu? What are the symptoms? We’re going to talk all about your eye flu-related queries in this blog!


What is Eye flu?


Eye flu is a viral infection that mainly affects the eyes. It spreads from viruses, bacteria, and allergens. It is highly contagious and spreads from one person to another person. This viral infection isn’t a major threat but can lead to severe vision impairment if left untreated.


Causes of Eye Flu

Eye flu is caused by viruses, bacteria, and allergens. Based on this, it is further categorised into five sub-categories:


Causes of Conjunctivitis


This type of conjunctivitis is highly contagious. It is accompanied by respiratory infections. 


It can cause a thick, yellowish-green discharge at the corner of the eye, along with red or pink eyes. Bacterial conjunctivitis becomes more common during the monsoon season due to increased humidity and exposure to bacteria and viruses.


It is caused by allergens like pollen, pet dander, or dust mites. It leads to intense itching, redness, and excessive tearing.


Using contact lenses for a long time can lead to this type of conjunctivitis. It causes small bumps to form on the inner surface of the eyelids.


Chemical conjunctivitis is caused by exposure to irritants like harsh chemicals in products or chlorine in swimming pools.

What are the symptoms of Conjunctivitis?

The symptoms of eye flu, also known as conjunctivitis, may include:


  1. Red or pink appearance of the eyes
  2. Excessive tearing
  3. Itching or irritation in the eyes
  4. Thick or watery discharge from the eyes
  5. Swollen eyelids
  6. Sensitivity to light
  7. Gritty or burning sensation in the eyes
  8. Blurred vision in some cases


How to prevent Eye Flu?


The big question! How to keep those pesky viruses and bacteria at bay? Here are some tips on how you can make sure to prevent eye flu:


  1. Wash your hands regularly. It’s a simple yet powerful way to keep those germs away.


  1. Don’t rub your eyes with dirty hands. It’ll prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses that spread the disease.


  1. Don’t share personal items like towels, glasses or makeup brushes.


  1. Keep your surroundings clean by regularly disinfecting surfaces, doorknobs, and countertops, especially in public places.


  1. Fresh air is your friend. Crack open the windows and let the air circulate in your space to keep things fresh.


  1. If someone you know has conjunctivitis, steer clear or maintain a safe distance to lower the risk of catching it yourself.


  1. If you’re prone to allergies, reduce your exposure to allergens. Keep your living space clean. Use air purifiers to tackle pollen, pet dander, dust mites, and mould.


  1. In the monsoon season, avoid public swimming pools. The water may carry viruses and bacteria, and the pool chemicals can irritate your eyes.


Treatment options


To treat eye flu (conjunctivitis), follow these simple steps:


  1. For viral eye flu:

   – Use warm compresses for soothing the eyes.

   – Use over-the-counter artificial tears for relief.

   – Avoid wearing contact lenses temporarily.


  1. For bacterial conjunctivitis:

   – Use antibiotic eye drops or ointments as prescribed by a medical professional.

   – Apply warm compresses to ease discomfort.

   – Maintain good hand hygiene.


  1. For allergic conjunctivitis:

   – Take over-the-counter allergy medications or eye drops.

   – Avoid allergens like pollen, pet dander, and dust mites.

   – Using a cold compress to soothe your eyes is also recommended.


  1. For chemical conjunctivitis:

   – Immediately flush the eyes with clean water for 15 minutes if exposed to chemicals.

   – Seek medical attention.



Eye flu is preventable. During the monsoon season, be cautious around public swimming pools and stay away if you have any symptoms. Also, take steps to minimise exposure to allergens and chemicals that may irritate your eyes.

By following these simple preventive measures and seeking medical help when needed, you can protect your eyes and enjoy a world full of clear, beautiful sights. 

Take care of your eyes, and stay healthy!


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