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Diet for Diabetes: What to Eat & Avoid?

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Diet-for-diabetes-what-to-eat-Avoid ?

The main cause of diabetes varies by the type of diabetes. But, the common factor  of diabetes is that it leads to a spike in glucose levels. Too much sugar in the blood is the cause of many serious diseases.


Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are the two chronic conditions. Prediabetes and Gestational diabetes are the two “reversible” diabetes types. Prediabetes happens when the sugar level in the blood is high but not high enough to be considered diabetic.


Gestational diabetes happens during pregnancy. It can sometimes go away on its own after the birth.


Studies have proven that a healthy diet is a way to achieve good health. In every disease, a healthy diet is considered the first recommendation. A healthy diet ensures that the nutrient and energy requirements are met.


What to eat in Diabetes?

Diabetes means that the sugar level in the blood is very high. Eating things that don’t cause a sudden spike in blood sugar levels. For diabetes, doctors suggest diet that release sugar slowly, like:







Foods to Avoid in Diabetes

Blood sugar levels are important in diabetes. Avoiding food items that may cause an immediate spike in blood sugar levels is a major part of the diet plan. Foods like:




Diabetes is a dangerous disease. By following some health measures we can fight diabetes. Food is the primary source of energy for every creature. It not only helps us to survive but also saves us from various diseases.


The food we eat can affect our blood sugar levels. It’s important to talk and research about diet for diabetes. No one diet plan will work for everyone. The diet plan has to be catered to that individual. It’s important to replace unhealthy foods with healthier alternatives.


Remember that diet doesn’t mean outright cutting things, but reducing their quantity.

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