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Types of Ayurveda Doshas- Vata, Pitta & Kapha

Ayurveda Doshas- Vata, Pitta, Kapha

Ayurvedic Body types- Vata, Pitta, Kapha

What is Ayurveda? An Introduction

Ayurvedic medicine, often known as “Ayurveda,” is one of the world’s oldest holistic (“whole-body”) healing systems. It was invented in India almost 3,000 years ago.

It is founded on the idea that health and wellness are dependent on a delicate balance of the mind, body, and spirit. Its primary purpose is to promote health rather than to combat sickness. However, treatments may be tailored to individual health issues.


Ayurveda – Everything is connected!

Ayurveda believes that everything in the universe, living or dead, is linked. You are in good health if your mind, body, and soul are in harmony. When this balance is upset, you become ill. Genetic problems, injuries, temperature, seasonal change, age, and emotions are all variables that can throw this balance off.

Ayurveda believes that everyone is made up of the five elements found in the universe: space, air, fire, water, and earth. These combine in the body to form life forces or energies known as doshas. These control your body’s operations. Vata dosha (space and air), Pitta dosha (fire and water), and Kapha dosha (earth and water) are the three doshas in Ayurveda.

Everyone is born with a distinct mix of the three doshas. Each is in charge of a different body function. Ayurveda believes that the balance of your doshas influences your health.


Types of Ayurveda Doshas

Vata dosha

Ayurvedic doctors say that this is the most potent of the three doshas. It regulates fundamental bodily functions like cell division. It also regulates breathing, blood flow, heart function, and the ability of your intestines to eliminate waste. Eating too soon after a meal, fear, grief, and staying up too late are all things that have a negative effect.

If Vata dosha is your primary life energy, you are said to be more prone to anxiety, asthma, heart disease, skin disorders, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Ayurveda Doshas Pitta

This energy regulates your digestion, metabolism (how well you break down nutrients), and certain appetite-related hormones.

Eating sour or spicy meals, as well as spending too much time in the sun, can disrupt it.

If it’s your primary source of energy, you’re more prone to acquire Crohn’s disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, and infections.

Ayurveda Doshas Kapha

This vital force is in charge of your muscular growth, physical strength and stability, weight, and immune system.

Sleeping during the day, eating too many sweet foods, and eating or drinking anything containing too much salt or water can all disrupt it.

Practitioners say that if it is your primary source of energy, you may acquire asthma and other breathing issues, cancer, diabetes, nausea after eating, and obesity.


Ayurvedic Medicine

An Ayurvedic practitioner will tailor a treatment plan to your individual needs. They will consider your own physical and emotional constitution, your major life force, and the balance of all three of these factors.

The purpose of treatment is to rid your body of undigested food, which can accumulate and cause sickness. The cleansing process, known as “panchakarma,” is intended to alleviate your symptoms while also restoring harmony and balance.

An Ayurvedic practitioner may use blood cleansing, massage, medical oils, herbs, enemas, or laxatives to accomplish this.


Is Ayurveda effective?

Ayurvedic treatment is effective! Since it is 100% natural, people often don’t have any side effects.

People generally come when they’ve exhausted all other options and then expect to see instant results. This is not possible.

Ayurveda uses natural ingredients, so the results are always delayed. But, once you start taking the treatment you’ll see significant improvement after 3-4 months.

All it takes is maintaining a healthy lifestyle and following the guidelines of the practitioners.

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